Now everyone, who has gone to school, has inevitably seen one of those kids. Before you assume, I will errupt in a torrent of slander against these people, I want you to know, that I don't dislike them. It's just that they piss me off.
A very good friend of mine, put it really clearly: in order to have a straight A in school, you don't have to be smart, you just have to pick up speed quickly, and not to get tired easily.
In other words such people are tools. Grinders to be more precise. Now, I don't have anything against grinders or anything, but think about it. They just study, eat, sleep, drink, do things which are fun according to what people say, and they secrete endorfins while doing that, because what they're doing is meant to be fun, and nerd their lessons (nerd can be a verb). They are most definately tools. No wait, they are bots.
People are wrongly calling them nerds. Nerds have skill, and hotdammit, those people lack it. They are complete simpletons. Whenever you know something they try to make it look bad.
Take what happened to me the other day for example:
/Geography class, teach is repeating the name of a city about 30 times, to no avail, because Ms. Clueless can't write it down/
Me: " Well, hotdammit, it's
Ms. Clueless: " Does it occur to you, that some people, might not watch news?"
Now I wouldn't have felt my heart beting in my ears, if me and Madmoiselle Clueless weren't the same age (sixteen).
I mean your turning eighteen in less than two years, and don't watch the news? Now if this was, some disco-visiting, dancing-with-an-open-half-empty-beer-bottle moron, I wouldn't be nowhere near this surprised.
But, just to show I am a great guy, I will give them the befit of doubt, and assume, that being proficient in memorizing high-school textbooks, containig 20 year old information, develops a clairvoyantesque ability, to predict noteworthy global events. I might try that out, and earn billions. Oh, wait... The odds don't seem to be in favor of that? But what does logic have on sheer capability of memorisation of facts? Nothing that's what!!!
In the beginig you were talking about Splafff weren't you?
This time you get 7.4/10
LOL!! Graet blog! You're right.The only way to find out what infinity is, is to look at people's stupidity. ;)
Riiight! Say what?! Does that mean I'm stupid!?!?? .... COOOL! :D
Good day! I think it's better to know that there are people smarter than us...but to compensate such a reality...we see some people more stupid as well. :D
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