Puberty does a lot of things to people. Including making them paradoxes, just like me. Now, it's not that I'm a social person, but I am most definately an annoying one, I manage to pester lots of people, and thus I manage to get an idea, of the basic types of high-school/junior high-school kid. These are they're portraits, which are by the way hugely ugly:
The rural aristocrat: This is the kind that's probably an avatar of bigotry and arrogance. Believes getting drunk is some special skill. Often quite proud of having simple skills which everyone will aquire in due time. This is the type, that may not have anything to eat, but WILL have the luxurious cellphone with camera, to take pictures of their miserable situation, and the free hours, to spend talking to their smooth-brained companions.
The wild, free, untamed, unruly and natural type: This is personal favorite of mine. They're like some humanitarian organization giving food and medicine, only instead of food and medicine it's studpid and egocentrism, and instead of a humanitarian organisation, they are just morons. NEWSFLASH! You aren't different, just stupid and unoriginal. By trying to be different so hard, you end up looking all the same. Trying to look deep and different, and peculiar, WON'T make people (me), think better of you. One man's trash might be another's treasure, but your "unruly individo-centralism" is my "stupid".
The hip/fashiony dude/dude-chick/chick-dude: This one is pretty much an amalgamation of the previous two types. Usually goes to a pumping-irony a couple of times, a hairdo that looks roughly like being licked by a cow (but so that it'll all be pointy and prickly, not oily and greasy), and nothing under it. Because they are usually inherently lazy, they just put on a (pink) shirt one or two sizes too small, so they'll look big bulky and scary. Dislikes the rural aristocrat on the basis, of having rural features, disliked by the rural aristocrat for not "keeping it real", by getting drunk inches from death, dancing with an open beer bottle in hand, but not directly exhibiting and boasting lowbrow taste. Even though the hip/fashion dude/dude-chick/chick-dude does posses lowbrow taste, as well as general stupidity, it does not listen to chalga music, and feigns intelligence, thus his similarity with the unruly crowd.
* Due to the fact that some of them are quite androginous, because of the added make-up, I was forced to deeply contemplate their gender.
Strike-a-pose-headbanger: Now this one really gets me. Being a metal fan, it pisses me off quite good. These are quite often rural diplomats, or other idiots, that like the look of leather and steel. And because as we know, the way you dress determines, what kind of music society will allow you to listen, they need to get aquainted with (and taint) metal, so it will be socially acceptable for them to wear steel and leather. They go out, look for a T-shirt of some band, with a cool picture on it, buy it, learn a couple of things about the band, hell, some even go all the way to buy a couple of songs of iTunes. Because they usually don't like metal at all (or just listen to people grunting and screaming at microphones, thus giving metal a bad name), so in a pint time they usually quench their chalga-thirst. But that is unacceptable! Why not come up with a lame excuse, that chalga is only for partying, and you can only party with chalga, or that it is satirical?
The fact that they assume, everyone listening to metal, is infact a moron like them, doesn't really write better about them in my book.
There's just too many of them to list in one go. There will be further awesomness, in the form of a sequel. Be patient, my tiny audience.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
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Well about the second type you described, I disagree with the part when you say that, people that are trying not to be that type are actually it. See I myself am born the opposite of that type so technically either I already tried, succeeded and lost at the same time or from all this time I tried to be that type and lost making me the opposite and that type just cause I tried not to be... Anyways, to tell you really, I don't give much of a fuck about your comparison...
Well, for one thing you could've done, is make some sense. Just a little bit.
You wish.... :D
Not bad. 6.8/10
Пубертетът причинява много неща на хората. Включително да ги прави парадокси, като мен. Не че съм общителен, или нещо подобно, но съм определено досаден. И лазейки по нервите на много свои връстници, съм добил добра представа какви типове биват те. Ето техните портрети, които между другото са "цифра" грозни:
Селския аристократ: Олицетворението, на всичко, що е арогантност и просташко. Вярва, че способността му да се напива е специално умение. Гордее се, че притежава умения, които всеки ще придобие рано или късно. Един ден ще се превърне, в човека, който няма какво да яде, но ще има GSM с камера за да заснеме празните си чинии, ще изпрати снимката на гладко-мозъчните си приятели, след което ще я коментират поне няколко часа по телефона, въпреки, че живеят на минимално разстояние.
Свободните, дивите, щурите и необузданите:
Лично този тип, аз твърде обичан. Те са, като хуманитарна организация, която раздава храна и медикаменти, само че вместо храна и медикаменти, раздава тъпня и егоцетризъм. И вместо хуманитарна организация, са идиоти. СЪОБЩЕНИЕ! Не сте различни, а просто тъпи и неоригинални. Толкова се различавате от останалите, че всички сте еднакви. Опитите да изглеждате уникални, няма да накара народа (т.е. мене), да мисли по-добри неща за вас. Боклукат на един, може да е съкровище другиму, но вашия "либерален индивидо-центризъм" е моето "тъпо".
Останалото после.
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