Wednesday, September 12, 2007

It's all about reaching your target audience...

Yesterday I was pondering, I came to the conclusion, that since I meant this to be read by nobody, and it is indeed read by him, that I've got my target audience right on!!! Vociferate your concerns.


Vicktorio El Hakim said...

It's all about chasing ghosts! They don't appear until you reach them! :P

The Powerhead said...

Let me bask in your wisdom, young friend. There you are. Food for thought. You're like some charity, only instead of cheese and bread, I get food for thought!

The Powerhead said...

Всичко опира, до достигането на очакваната аудитория...
Вчера, размишлявайки, стигнах до извода, че имайки предвид, че очаквах този блог да не бъде четен от който и да било и той деиствително не го поглежда, то съм си уцелил аудиторията в десятката!!! Споделете терзанията си.

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