Saturday, December 29, 2007


Tacos rule.
So does tabasco. Finally a food, to suit the mood.
I have absolutely no idea, what to write about, so being such a fine artist and noble person, I'll try my damnest to take someone's good mood with me. I'll just write some filler, and force you to read them, and thus waste precious moments of your life. You will be sitting here, observing the dotted (as of writing) background of this log, and just recieving information, like the sheep.
So I dare you, link to this thing, I desperately need an audiance. The collective time in man hours, wasted to read filler, would deprive the world of so many useful things done, that it will more than improve my mood.
Anyways, since this is getting way to emo, I'll tell you something good. I've decided, that I have potential as a radio host. Unfortunately everyone has potential, so I am now working on being funny, so any suggestions, on making my entertainingness slightly closer to "remotely entertaining" are heartily welcomed. Comment. Spill your heart out.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Things I don't care about...

And now, introducing The List Of Things, About Which That, What I Give Amounts To Less Than A Damn 2007 Edition ( TLOTAWTWIGATLTAD for short):

1. Social rejection: Now, I've never been really popular for 16 years so far and it hasn't cost me much effort, I am used to it, and I like it. It's not going to cost me any more effort to last 17. Or 18. The majority of people around, me I don't care about what they think.

2. Bad publicity: I fear bad publicity, but more like, fearing being publicized badly. Infact I rarely get any publicity with people, who's opinion I care about.

3. The reputation I have with my peers: I've grown out of caring about that a long long time ago.

4. About the needs of piirs: A piir is an idiot, who is, coincidentally your peer. I am asked for favors regularly. I tend to be of service. I am not spiteful. But HOT DAMMIT, I hate when people think I owe them something. I don't. I structure my life in such a way, that I try to do anything, to not be in debt. Just because I am not spiteful, is not an excuse, to take my services for granted.

5. Cheaters needs: This is a special category. I get significantly pissed off, when I am supposed to get out of my way, so that someone can cheat. I usually blast them off the sky of stupidity, with a good ol' Stinger of Common Sense.

6. This list: There's way too much things I don't care about, so I don't really care if I finish it. Bye.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Permanent Bad Mood

My leg still hurts a bit, and I can't split, I don't know if I will be able. But, I am back on duty, to bring joy, to your dull lives, with my avuncular demeanor and piercing acumen.

This time, you should learn about several of life's biggest injustices. Anyone, who can stand up to my criteria for cool, must have encountered them.

1. It's not what you say. It's who are you.
We've all had such moments. You know, they're dictated, by some juvenile pecking order or something. Now, me being a socially awkward person, I appearantly lack some sort of sense, with which to percieve cool, or if I have it it's malfunctioning. No wait! Mine's the only one that functions correctly. I mean, people's "cool dood", is my "stupid moron". People are ususally weak. They buckle under peer pressure quite easily, and they accept criticism from their oppostition. I don't. My opposition's criticism is never sincere. I stand up and I don't conform.
Just like the nonconformist little bird in the story. You can be someone almost as entertaining as me, yet morons won't consider you humorous, because you're not inclined to get drunk and consider two week old songs to be old, and month old songs that occasionally get airplay/are heard at a disco/hell to be evergreens. Anyway enough with this. Such people don't deserve it.

2. You - Honor - Dignity = Getting away with something
Anyone who has gone to school, and hasn't been patheticing there, would know that if you whine, beg, cry and pull excuses out of your lower digestive tract, would help you out of any situation. It is disgusting. I have never begged or lied to anyone superior (parent, teacher, instructor, etc.) in my life. The problem is that me not being a whining moron, and taking everything head on, like a man should, leads to such people thinking, that I can be their vent, that I should take their punishment. The excuse-toting morons, also have the boldness to believe, that you are somehow obliged, to get them out of trouble. I tell them, that they aren't neither my mother, nor my sister, nor my lover, so what I am obliged to do amounts to absolutely nothing. I enjoy seeing them fail. This brings me to the next one:

3. The better you are, the worst is the person having your back.
Everytime, I stood up for someone, he chickens out and his backbone limps. This is like some ancient rethorical/social Hojojustsu. You get momentum, and suddenly you have your hands tied and are on the ground. Everytime I was trying to help out my class, everyone is really eager, untill crunch time arrives. I believe this is due to the incorrect notion, that I am aggressive. I am not. I care to little to be aggressive. But when I can't count on people, I want to make sure that they must not try to count on me.

I tried but I couldn't make this one funny. I was too bitter. Still it is an exquisite read. Drop a comment and say it was "funny, cos it's true lol"!
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