Saturday, August 30, 2008


An addendum to my last update. A concerned, raging fan was nice to point out, that I forgot the lama, which deserves an honorary mention (the lama, that is, and the fan [sort of]).
So be it a popular logo, or a subject of a high-pitched nonsensical song, this weird, spitting life-form, is here to educate as much as entertain. Or wait, that would make it not here. (To explain to the plainer audience: It means, that since lamas don't go around educating people, they don't go around to entertain them either. Neat comparison, another funny thing.)

Friday, August 29, 2008

The most geeko-nerdifico-random-humorly-pop-culturized animals.

Well, anyone on the Intermesh probably has encountered the "phenomenon" of random "humor". Well random it is, alas, convoulted jibberish is not humor, and isn't really difficult to come up with, it's pure luck. Saying someone is a witty based on his random "humor", is like saying someons a genius mathematician, because he is good at cointoss. Often this thing, masquerading as humor, includes random references to animals. I shall now inform you, the savvy blog-browser, which animals are the unsung victims of this random humor thing.

Just entering the list is:
The goat. Refered to by everything from shocksites to skinny 12-18 year olds, as an ersatz for originality. Perhaps it's the beard that makes it hilarious? Perhaps it's the sound? Well, if you actually asked yourself this question, you are obviously in for a shock. Nothing makes it funny. Goats aren't funny, and 50000000 iterations wouldn't make them (50000000 is just a euphemism for "any"). The fact that someone tells you something is funny doesn't make it. If any of your friends refers to goats and you find that funny, go into an internet cafe, (finding "random" jokes funny, is a pretty good indicator of either a slow internet connection, general "slow", or lack of internet connection) and browse some geeky forums for an hour, in order to familiarize yourself with the resident orignally-random comedian in each one. Read ten minutes worth of jokes, and your goat-joke making friend, will miraculously stop being funny. Miracuosly is used in an ironic sense here- which means there is an obvious discrepancy between my assessment and reality, used to great comedic effect. This is irony. This is funny. This is heavy-hitting comedy. Not goats. Okay? On one side - Me and Irony, on the other - Your friend and goats. I think it's a no-brainer.
And one spot up on our list is (Haven't you already got it, that I don't plan my writing and do it on the go? I just come up with this as I go, I have roughly the same amount of idea as you, about how long this list will be.):
The manatee. Now this is an emerging trend. Used by proven greats (Tray Parker and Matt Stone) to fabulous comedic effect, but unfortunately, also skillessly employed by random-comedians. The goat is maybe one step above this one, but it's still on the same stupid ladder. The reason for that is, that a goat we percieve as an animal we see day to day, whereas manatees we had no idea what they were until we actually googled it after seeing that episode of South Park. It is big, bulky and has a blunt face which makes it a SMASH hit (read that pun several times and remember it, as it probably cost me any award I would have recieved for my literary prowess). I mean goats have a slight "How didn't I think of that first?"-value, while manatees are random humor at its worst. It's a random animal. Unless you use it as a minor-chuckle-generator, or it has a deeply satirical context, it requires less skill than the goat. See another funny thing - deeply satirical context. In other words something hidden and arcane to the random "humor" lover. I would really like to bet, that the role of this animal in random humor will be inherited by the aardvark. Or whatever you spell it. I mean just listen to it: "aardvark". The first time I heard it I thought it was a Linux app, or some obscure Windows process or DLL. The second time I thought it was some heraldic monster. The third time I looked up Wikipedia. Plus it looks kind of entertaining.
If we have X number of entries on our list, then here comes number "X-2":
The Cat. OK, assuming you are reading this around the time I have written it, and not years later in some huge collection of my early works, you just know what I am talking about. I mean you are on the Internet.
For X>3, X-3 on our list is (assuuming No. of entries is X-1):
The Cow. Moo. We get it, cows make a funny noise. And they are slow. There it is popular in video games, and slapstick alike. Cows obviously come in a male and female version. Obviously bulls are a different species. I mean seriously, bulls aren't funny, since they will probably impale you. How could the cow and the bull be actually a same species? Well, pretty easy. This is where sanity and sense, are both overwhelmed by randomness. Obviously someone hasn't been on a farm. Or ever opened an elementary school textbook. Or tries to be funny. (NOTE: In the beginning cows were actually funny. But they are scary. I mean half a metric tonne of bovine, running amok? Why is everyone finding them tamely funny, when they should be scared and worried, dammit?)
Well this is the last of it. Comments? No, thanks. Praise is welcome though.
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