Saturday, April 5, 2008


People need to change their causes often. I know it's hard. I know, not everyone, can be pushing the boundaries, when it comes to originality and hilarity. But you could atleast try, not to fail in it, or if failing is much more your style, go fullforce and fail failing it, just do something about it. But then again, some people desperately need peer approval, and will spew anykind of unoriginal crap in front of their friends, as long as it's tried and true humor, targeting emos, or certain celebrities and such. Edgy. Just so that they can get a few chucks from their companions, they are keeping entertainment down. Are they so afraid of the awkward silence?

{Imagine a picture of a guy juggling a three unicycles, blindfolded,
on a unicycle, and a speech bubble saying "Hey, check this out!", to a small
crowd of his friends. A speech bubble saying "Nnnnmeh, yeah, whatever",
hoverring above their low-density headdy parts.
I am a painter, and my pallette is but eloquence!}

Anways, I don't accept criticism from such people, due to their inferior comedic talent. They are also usually obese, and expert in terms of sport, because their massive weight, prevents anyone with adequate gross motor skills, sanity and a survival instinct, to be in their immediate proximity, while they have picked up speed (dynamics & kinematics, holmes).

But then again, this might be my mission in life? I am the brave pioneer, the one who discovers new comediac territory, surviving beyond the entertainment Frontier, waiting for those to who will harvest it's potential to follow in my mighty tracks. Am I not?

Please share with your favorite head, the one of power!
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